Its hard to describe how I feel. I remember so many good times with you Moira, so many special moments which we all shared with you. I remember going to the Pub with you and Vince, making stuff at the adult ed, chopping salads, our outings with Oz and our wonderful holiday at Center Parks. I remember sitting outside and putting Boston on your lap, beating Nana at ping pong, telling you about my day. I remember when Oz used to bring pieces of wood home for you to touch and smell, I remember you marching around the house swinging your ponytail. I remember those special moments when you me and Oz used to play the keyboard, you knew didnt you Mo. x Folding your washing that was warm from the dryer, the static made your hair stand up ha ha. I remember Sissinghurst, you had flowers in your hair. You are beautiful and I have always loved you. you will be with me forever xxx Shannon