Wanting to walk

Created by Ian 10 years ago
Back in 1989 while we were living in America, there was a little support group in my school, run by the Guidance Councillor for children who had a disabled sibling. The other kids in the group either had an older sibling whom was disabled or multiple younger siblings, one of who was disabled. A lot of the discussions were about seeing the differences in abilities and how quickly or slowly their siblings learnt how to do things. I found it hard to relate to this because Moira was my only younger sibling. As far as I knew, she was learning things at a “normal” speed. Obviously I was very aware of her disabilities but I could see she was trying so hard to move, talk and play it was easy to ignore how long it was taking her. Now I have a daughter of my own and at just 9 months old I see her crawling around so quickly, trying to stand up, calling out Da-Da and Ma-Ma I finally understand what those other Children in America felt back then. What never ceases to amaze me is just how determined Moira was to move. It was so difficult for her but she pushed and tried and just kept trying to move. The enormous effort she put into everything encouraged and supported by everyone round her, especially our Mum. Moira, whenever I think something is too hard or too much effort, I remember you and it gives me strength and the will to try harder. Thankyou Moira.