The next era started with the closure of that school – central office decided to move resources to care of the blind rather than the multiple handicapped children in Sunshine house school. We fought to keep the school but lost. Moira spent the remainder of her school years at the remaining RNIB school in Kettering and then at Coney Hill School in South London. We put all our effort in supporting Moira in these two schools to try and achieve the same ethos as in the East Grinstead school. Moira was there Monday to Friday and with us at weekends and holidays when she participated in family life. Jill was there Mondays and Fridays. There were many caring people and amazing situations: the waiter who lifted the table up on ashtrays to allow Moira to fit her wheelchair and knees under the table to be with us; the people who moved to assist; the electronics person who created a guidance system on Moira’s electric chair and many others.
Family has always been important to Moira. She always had a special place for each of her close family but also enjoyed visiting the family elsewhere – in Nottingham with her grandparents and Uncle William and family, in Toronto with Uncle Alan, Auntie Avril and their families and latterly at her cousin Angela’s wedding in Nova Scotia.
We at least found many things we could do as a family – eating out – going to Centre Parcs – boating – and the Calvert Trust holidays with their ‘can do’ attitude. Many of you will have seen Moira swimming, flying, - participating in life!
Eironwy continued to assist us throughout this period. We also assisted her to form Life Of Your Own. Jill becoming Chairman and I was Treasurer.