Talking about Moira in my school to my classmates

1992 - 1994

Created by Ian 14 years ago
Back in 1992-94 I was doing my GCSEs. My English Language class involved doing a 4 minute presentation to the rest of the class. Some did it on various sports or hobbies complete with bits and pieces from their sport of hobby. I decided to give a presentation on Moira and the people in her life. I made a series of cards with photos and a short description. I also made a bunch of note cards for myself, basically a time line talking about Moira and her experiences. My teacher was quite strict with marking and time keeping. I think before I stood up, 10-11 had given their presentations. Only 1 had got an A, some had had their marks reduced for running over or being too short. I was a bit nervous but when it came to my turn, I stood up at the front and started talking. I started with how she was born just after my birthday, how we were told Moira was blind and would have difficulty learning and communicating. I talked about BIBIC, how we went to America and put an article in the local paper, how hundreds of people responded. I talked about the exercises Mum and these volunteers helped Moira to do 4 times a day Mon-Fri and twice on Saturday. I talked about us receiving meals first as a welcome to the town, then as a helping hand. I talked about how everyone in the town either knew Moira or knew someone who did. I described the exercises, I talked about Moira’s flying harness, the difference between creeping and crawling. I talked about her wheelchairs. Ways to stop Moira from rolling over to encourage her to creep forward on her front. I talked about how happy Moira was, how much she enjoyed people singing, how she recognised so many people. I talked about coming back to the UK and Mum starting up these exercises again and how Moira had moved on and started going to the RNIB Sunshine House School. I describe the school, I described modifications they had made to make it accessible, I talked about the modifications we’d made to our house and the van. I also talked about finding Moira birthday and Christmas presents. I.... kinda went over my 4 mins.... Quite a lot over. When I finished, no one really said anything so I nervously went and sat down. People were still passing the photos round and my teacher was still sat at the back. After a moment he seemed to come out of a trance and walked up to the front of the class. He said something like “Well, thank you Scott (teachers always called us by our last names), that was very informative, very interesting... Umm, well right... I think that’s it for today, we can do the rest of the presentations tomorrow, no homework today.” At that point, I was a bit worried as I had no mark and I knew I’d gone way over the time limit so I put my hand up “sir, umm, did I.. what mark did I get?” “Hmm? Oh right, well an A obviously. Excellent work. An excellent presentation, well done”. ---- Apart from sharing a memory with you, I’m putting this story on Moira’s website for a reason. Imagine a class of kids who have spent a double class listening to people talking about remote control cars, playing rugby, building electronic kits, painting and other fun things. Then I stand up and talk about my family, specifically my little Sister and no one interrupted me, everyone was captivated, no one told me to stop when I talked for more than twice the amount of time I had, no one made jokes, my teacher was so interested he forgot to give me a mark. Moira inspired people and brought out the best in themselves. She still does. I miss you Moira but have such amazing memories about you that when I feel sad that you’ve left, I can feel happy for all we’ve shared and I know I’ll see you again. Your um baa.