Singing to Moira
1985 - 2009
Created by Ian 15 years ago
Moira loved music. She really enjoyed hearing it performed and playing it but I think she liked singing and being sung to.
Back before we moved to America, we used to listen to music tapes in the car and singing along to them as Moira really enjoyed this.
We continued in America where Moira experienced many songs during the day as Mum and all the volunteers taught her how to move and play.
Here are some of my favourite songs.
(Sung to the tune of B.I.N.G.O.):
I know a little girl you know and Moira is her name O!
And Moira is her name O!
I know a little girl you know and Moira is her name O!
And Moira is her name O!
I know a little girl you know and Moira is her name O!
And Moira is her name O!
Etc etc.
(When Moira was in her flying frame, we sung):
She flies through the air with the greatest of ease,
it’s the daring young Moira on her flying trapeze.
Her actions are graceful and boy she does please.
It’s the daring young Moira and the flying trapeze.
(In the car, Moira’s favourite song was the lollipop song):
Two years ago, when I was three, I planted a little lollipop tree,
I watered it, and watched it too,
But no little lollipops grew. Oh!
Lolli, lolli, lolli, lolli, lollipop tree
Lolli, lolli, lolli, lolli, lollipop tree
No lollipop tree for me.
I think I’ll go, down to the shop,
And buy myself a stripy lollipop
‘cause something has, occurred to me
I’ll never grow a lollipop tree.
Lolli, lolli, lolli....... etc.
(Near the end of Moira’s exercises, she was being taught how to creep (similar to crawling) and Mum always made sure to Sing a song of sixpence. I would normally get home from school during this song and come thundering down the stairs just as everyone sang “wwwwHHHHEENNN down came a blackbird... aaaAAANNNDDD PECKED! Off her nose! When of course I’d pinch her nose and Moira would burst into laughter):
Sing a Song of Sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie,
When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing
Wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before the King?
The King was in his counting house, counting out his money.
The Queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey
The Maid was in the garden,
Hanging up the clothes,
When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose.
She caused such a commotion
That little jenny wren,
Flew into the garden
And popped it on again.
My favourite song though was what I sung to Moira every night just before she went to sleep. I know other people sang a similar song to her but each person put their own words or inflexions into the song that made it special:
Good night Moira,
Good night Mo
Good night Moira,
it’s time to go to sleep
I will see you later, later, laaater
I will see you later
In the morning.
(This last line was accompanied with lightly pinching her nose, giving her a kiss and blowing a little raspberry on her cheek) This of course meant Moira was laughing and not at all ready to sleep :)
Now I see Moira in my dreams but know we’ll all see her again eventually.
Good night sweet heart. I miss you.